I'm sure we will hear in the future from a lot of different Johnny Bs about the corruption in fact it is inevitable in my opinion and I'm sure many people will try to get even with the Governing Body and turn on them covertly and out right.
Judging from the response of people who have seen these guys and their obvious loonieness that people have put their finger on and nailed it so to speak, I can't help but wonder what the general JW population there at bethel think of this new bunch of faithful and discreet slave drivers?
These guys are creepy by no exaggeration so it has got to send bad vibs to many right there at bethel. I'm sure the unconscious of many there has a loathing for them and the unconscious even if repressed can make thing happen by over powering the ego consciousness(freudian slips and what not). I think it is a rather uncomfortable situation brewing for these GB guys.